Wednesday, July 7, 2010

7 Victory Spirit of Ramadan

O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as obligatory upon the people before you, that ye may ward off (Surat al-Baqara: 183). - This section describes the urgency of religious fasting in the month of Ramadan. Kutiba words indicate a meaning that fasting in Ramadan is obligatory. Mandatory because it needs human nature. Allah swt. which meciptakan human, He knows better the nature of this nature. And he who knows more secrets diwajibkannya fasting. There is therefore no other choice except to fast for humans. That's why Allah says: kamaa kutiba 'alalladziina qablikum min. This means that human beings are also required prior fasting.

It is certain that Allah swt. impossible mensyari'atkan something useless. For God Almighty. All-Wise, Allah says: alaisallahu bi ahkamil haakimiin. It is certain that all who worship Allah. teach if really carried out by humans, will bring great benefits for mankind itself. In various historical events in the age of the Prophet. we always read that instead of victory after victory occurred at times when people are fasting in Ramadan. What's wrong with Ramadan? This is why this paper will exclusively reveal the secret of victory and its relation to Ramadan. There are at least seven victories the spirit of Ramadan that can be raised in this paper:

First, Victory Over Lust

In ashiyam words contained in the above verse means alhabsu meaning restrain. A person who is fasting must be abstinence in all its dimensions. Not only appetite and drinking, but also sex and lust lust looking at things forbidden. Watch yourself when you're fasting. What do you stand? Did not you're refraining from the halal? Eating and drinking it lawful for you. Sex with your wife is also kosher. But you stand. And you can help it. What is the meaning of all this? Here it seems that you are fighting with your appetite. You're trying to control it. Though lust is struggling to call you to dinner on a hot day, you still control it until it was adzan maghrib. If you are able to do this turns out, really no reason for you to fall to an illegitimate, just because the temptation of lust.

But unfortunately many people who only make mere rituals of fasting to death. Die because of the nature of the actual fasting to abstinence, it was only done in the month of Ramadan alone. Once out of Ramadan, no less than those who had fasted again feel free to sin. As a result of Ramadan fasting does not bring any meaning to his life. Like a meal, so food in the suit after it was spit out again. Of course this way of life berIslam will give no fruit at all for life ruhaninya. Because that's the meaning of fasting which should be a starting point victory over the passions, it must be maintained lifelong, because the only way the nature of the ritual will be like water that is splashed against a tree. Then the tree grows it will become fertile, its roots plunged to earth and stalks towered into the sky. Every person who take shelter under it will not only feel cool but will also feel safe with shade.

Second, Victory Over Satan

In a narration it is said that when he arrived Ramdhan, satan, satan bound. Prophet. He said: "When Ramadan comes, the gates of heaven are opened, and the gates of Hell are closed, while satan-satan tie." (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). This shows that the faith of Muslims in the month of Ramadan should be increased. Therefore we always find a different atmosphere in the month of Ramadan. Lazy man who had been praying berjemaah at the mosque, during Ramadan to the mosque he was diligent. People who had never read the Qur'an during Ramadan always read it. People who had been stingy alms, to be generous during Ramadan. People who had never woke up at dawn, during the month will always get up berjemaah dawn and dawn prayers at the mosque. People who had never prayed the night prayer during Ramadan rajib night. People who had been exposing aurtanya, during Ramadan became graceful woman behind the beautiful veil.

Atmosphere such as this illustrate how Ramadan really bring blessings for Muslims. Felt that the devil really tied. Secera satan can not move freely. Why? (A) of the Prophet.: Wash shawmu junnatun (fasting is a deterrent from sin and hell fire). Then the prophet continues: "So when you are fasting should not say dirty and do not curse. If someone insults said to them: I'm sorry I'm fasting ... "(Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim) (b) Because the lust for control of the fasting month. Once satan has no uncontrollable lust for mobile networks. Once jaringanya become narrow, increasing pious deeds everywhere. Once the automatic increase charitable pious faith will rise. Unfortunately, this scene lasts only a flash. During the month of Ramadan alone. After that, life returned triumphantly disappears in a surge of lust. Return sins done everywhere without the slightest fear. If so, did the victory over satan during Ramadan is a true victory? Until when this race will continue to pretend to Allah swt., Becoming only the good Muslims in the month of Ramadan alone?

Third, reward doubled

In a hadith the Messenger of Allah. He said: "Every son of Adam-charity during Ramadan, be multiplied tenfold, even up to seven hundred fold. Except for fasting, Allah said: Fasting is for Me, and I direct that will give a reward for him. "(Narrated by Muslim). This means that the reward of fasting is not only multiplied but more than that, Allah promised to give the reward without measure. Imagine how much reward to be gained one whole day of fasting, alms, deeds enforce mandatory and then followed by deeds, sunnah. Where did all of that multiplied seven hundred times as much.

What if a Muslim reads the Koran in a day more than one volume. Messenger. explained that the reward of reading Quran perhuruf counts. Each letter of kindness, multiplied to ten times to seven hundred fold. That is the secret, why previous scholars as enter their Ramadan-race belomba mengkhatamkan Qur'an without limit. There are mengkhatamkan once daily. There are two times a day. I always read in manaqib Imam Syafi'ie is that he always mengkhatamkan Qur'an during Ramadan 60 times khatam. What's interesting here is not logical or not, but their sincerity in mengkhatamkan Qur'an. That's the spirit that we must take. That will assess our pious deeds in terms of quantity but of the capabilities that we do business. This is the meaning of the verse: "Fattaqullaha tatha'tum mas (the maximum kemapuanmu bertaqwalah to God)" (Surat At Taghabun: 16)

Fourth, sins are forgiven

Minimum of three of worship in Ramadan that the Prophet explicitly. linked with forgiveness previous sins: First, religious fasting. Prophet. He said: "Man shaama Ramadhaan iimaanan ghufira lahu wah tisaaban MAA taqaddama dzambihi min. (Anyone who fasted Ramadan with faith and hopeful consciousness pleasure of Allah, will be forgiven all past sins. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). Second, the ritual prayer night (read: tarawih). Holy Prophet. Said:" Man qaama Ramadhana iimaanan ghufira lahu wah tisaaban MAA taqaddama dzambihi min. (Who would enforce the Ramadan night prayers with the consciousness of faith and hopeful pleasure of Allah, will be forgiven all past sins. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim). Third, worship prayers Qadr Laylat night. Holy Prophet. said: "Man qaama lailatal Qadri iimaanan ghufira lahu wah tisaaban MAA taqaddama dzambihi min. (Who would enforce prayer on the night of Qadr Laylat with the consciousness of faith and hopeful pleasure of Allah, will be forgiven all the sins ago. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim).

The third note above hadith, how worship of Ramadan which will be the cause of forgiveness of sins is not only fast, but there is also a night of worship during Ramadan prayers on the night of Laylat including Qadr. But unfortunately most people only take the fasting Muslims only, while other acts of worship are not as important as fasting ignored. As a result, the actual purpose of Ramadan is a month of forgiveness of sins, not the maximal. Many people argued busy making a living and so sebaginya, so it does not have time to get it all. Note the Messenger of Allah. even though her days busy preaching, in the month of Ramadan is still adding more deeds of worship that exceeds the days usually. Is it enough to simply argue that for a living are also places of worship, then ignore the reading of the Qur'an, prayer night and so forth?

Fifth, Prayers Granted

A person who is fasting prayers efficacious. Because he was in a state of abstinence. Satan-satan does not approach him. He therefore closer to Allah swt. When he was in a state very close to Allahswt., Then the prayer will be readily accepted. Hence the Prophet. recommends that those who fasted Sadang prayed a lot. The scholars said: Disunnahkan for people who are fasting always say the dhikr, prayer, fasting all day long. Because fasting makes the culprit closer to Allah swt. People who are close to Allah swt. efficacious prayer.

Dhikr and praying during fasting is highly recommended throughout the day. But when the dhikr and praying before iftar is emphasized and prioritized. Prophet. He said: "People who are fasting prayer was not rejected, particularly toward the breaking." (Narrated by Ibn Majah, isnaad this hadith sahih). Ibn `Umar. related that the Prophet. always pray before breaking fast: "Dzahabazh zhomau wabtallatil 'Allahu insyaa uruuq watsabatil ajru ta'aalaa. (Thirst has gone, the esophagus has been wet, may Allah give reward). Abdullah bin 'Amr ra. always read the following prayer before breaking fast: "cor as'aluka birohmatikallati wasi'at kulla syai 'antaghfira dzunuubii Lii. (O Allah I beseech Thee by Thy mercy that covers everything, so you forgive me. "

At Imam Tirmidhi narrated a hadith of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet. He said: "Three people whose prayers have never denied: a fair leader, one who is fasting until they break the fast, people who dizholimi." Clearly that during Ramadan fasting faith Servants of Allah swt. are rising, they always wake up nights to uphold the prayer, they always read the Qur'an, they always give alms, they are far from sin, they repent and ask forgiveness of Allah swt. and sebagianya. All that is supportive atmosphere that supports a decrease of blessings from God Almighty. More and more blessings to come down more easily turning to prayer that we be granted by Allah swt.

Sixth, Achieves Qadr Laylat

In Sura Al-Qadr: 3-5 of Allah swt. explain the greatness of Qadr Laylat night: "Night of Power is better than a thousand months. On the night the angels descend and the archangel Gabriel with the permission of their Lord to regulate all affairs. That night (full) welfare until dawn. "This evening a very Allah swt. glorified. On the night of Qadr Laylat is Allah swt. never down the Qur'an. Not only that, every night Qadr Laylat God provides opportunities for His servants to cover up his past deficiencies with enforcing worship prayers, dhikr and reading Qur'an. Imagine khsusus and extraordinary reward. Can not be compared with the reward of worship during the 1000 months. Khirun said in paragraph above shows a better meaning, not the same. Note how the primacy of worship on the night of Qadr Laylat must be achieved in earnest.

Alfi said khairun min Perhataikan shahrin (better than a thousand months). Imam Ibn Kathir in his commentary, never done the calculations on the nature of a thousand months. He says: 1 000 months = 84 years 3 months. I tried to reflect this fact. I find these figures illustrate how the average age of the longest human. That is, when we think about these verses, we will soon conclude that worship on the night of Qadr Laylat still greater reward than the reward of worship throughout life. But the intent here is not necessarily mencukup with worship on the night of Qadr Laylat if after that does not serve a lifetime? This is wrong. That means (a) that we normally realize that there is still much less than the maximum of worship, or even less. It is necessary to back up the reward, to cover the shortfalls. (B) We should-for-life is always praying to Allah swt. to cover the favors of Him who never dropped out. But because so many busy activities, as well as weakness of faith that we have, certainly many conditions that can not be fulfilled. Allah swt. the Most Compassionate provide opportunities so that we can compensate for these favors. Qadr Laylat thus opened the night.

Messenger. provide guidance for Qadr Laylat was hunted in the last ten nights of Ramadan. Especially odd nights: 21, 23, 25, 27, 29. Many of the Companions and the scholars who emphasize the specific steps of 27 nights of Ramadan. But so, they recommend that does not make do only with the night of 27 only. Because it is impossible not Qadr Laylat night will happen on other nights. Therefore handaknya a servant of Allah swt. always wake up every night. Because no one knows exactly when and what date it actually happened Qadr Laylat. Therefore, some friends say: Who are built to uphold prayers every night throughout the year he can definitely Qadr Laylat privilege.

Qadr Laylat Actually this is an opportunity that sangta special and very expensive. Everyone is a believer should earnestly to achieve it. They should have early on to get ready in all efforts to get it. As they were powerless in the effort to achieve an Olympic medal. They should have regrets in his life when not involved in this race. But Allah swt. has said: "Fastabiqul khairaat (race-lombalah you in goodness." (Surat al-Baqara: 148). But unfortunately many believers are not interested in the race. Even many of those who are ignorant and are not called to prepare ourselves so get one. Pun not a few who do not regret not miss keberkahannya. Do they have felt most rewarded, so feel charitable enough to reward them for doing this? Just think how much percentage of the reward that we get compared with the reward of the Companions of the Prophet.? Holy Prophet. said : "Do not you mock my friends, for the sake of God if you infakkan sebasar gold mountain of Uhud, the reward that you get it will not reach a handful or half of the reward they get." Note the regal reward their friends so that, even then they still compete Laylat-Qadr night won the race.

Seventh, Chase Level Taqwa

Verses about fasting on top, covered with la'allakum tattaquun (so you pious). This means that the main purpose of fasting of Ramadan is to build awareness of personal piety in a Muslim. Taqwa as it is said to Ubay ibn Ka'ab ra. Umar was told: "That person is like someone walking betaqwa where prickly. Right-left, bottom-up there is a thorn. "Imagine what she's doing? Of course he is very berhat caution, lest the thorns scratched his body. Nor piety. You take care of your views as illegitimate careful of thorns, it was godly. You berhat care of illicit wealth, not to stuff into your stomach, or into the stomach of his wife and your children, just like you to be careful of the thorns, it is piety. You take care of minor sins like you let alone large-berhat heart of thorns, it was godly.

Notice how taqwa is the totality of prudence in running a slave of obedience to Allah swt., Do not let any of what he does wrath of Allah swt. That is the secret of why Allah Almighty. binds to in paragraph above between fasting (ash Only just again exactly) with piety. Because when someone fast he has to control his lust. And only by controlling appetite, a person will gradually rise to the level of taqwa. Therefore the Koran is the central theme issue taqwa. Katika Allah swt. Hell tell you the pain of torture it is actually devoted to people. He said: "O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hell fire which fuel is men and stones; guardian angels of the rough, tough, who do not disobey Allah in what He commanded them and always doing what they're told. "(Surat At Tahrim: 6). Similarly when Allah swt. keindahanya tell heaven and food and beverage delights in it, it's not another human being so pious.

More than that, many verses in the Qur'an that emphasizes the importance of being god-fearing: (a) At the opening of Sura Al Baqara, Allah swt. properties directly telling people that devoted. (B) In Sura Ali Imran: 133, Allah swt. asserted that heaven for those who are devoted dipersipakan: "And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and to heaven as wide as heaven and earth, prepared for those who fear Allah." (c) In Sura Al Hujuraat: 3, God Almighty. shows that most people start is the people who most pious. (D) In Sura Al Qashash: 83, Allah swt. explained that the victory belongs only to those who betaqwa: "The country's Hereafter, We have made for people who do not want to brag and do mischief on the (face) of the earth. And the denouement (which is good) it is for those who fear Allah. "In Sura Al-Qalam: 34, again the beauty of heaven that God relates to those who are devoted dipersipakan:" Verily for those who fear (provided) Paradise Gardens of Delight in the Lord. "


That is, Ramadan is a great pleasure, at once noble visitor who comes once a year. In it are many opportunities for people of faith to increase the faith and sins washed by begging forgiveness of Allah swt. not only fasting, Ramadan is taught a lot of worship of Allah swt. and His Messenger, which is just as important as fasting. Like worship prayer night, i'tikaf, many charity, mengkhatamkan Koran and so forth. Who earnestly implement all that, he will surely achieve victory. Conversely anyone who ignores all that, he himself loses. Remember that no one can guarantee that a person can live up to Ramadan next year. Therefore, when apparently we are given the opportunity to enter this year's Ramadan, do not ever wasted. Immediately rushed to charity. Should hasten earnestly to use this opportunity maximally. May Allah swt. we all accept charity. Amiin. Bishshawab Allaah knows best.

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